Sunday, April 11, 2010

How Swing Trading Level work

Dear Reader,

As I m starting my blog with swing trading level and after that some of

my friend ask me how to use that level because we did n t get this level

every day & intraday level you give that both side level so how can we do this

so I m write this to all my friends that My swing level is come once or twice in a

month because when ever swing gives you Call I may not be come down or

come up whole month as they were count on short to medium term chart

So levels may not be seen every day. One more thing about my swing level

whenever they hit trailing stop loss is hit on that day or 2 we might saw some

wipshows as the next swing starts with some support / resistance so that might

possible but once they starts moving in the direction it should give you at least

5 to 10% return that's sure.

Whenever you enter in trade with my level you have to take reversal position

As soon as your stop loss is hit by doing this you will not loss any money if you take

Any one side position in my trade than you should take position only on that day when

Buying /Selling price & stop loss price is very nearby means that time it s high chance of

Taking your stop loss but stop loss is only 1 rs to 15 rs according to size of script so you will

Not going to loss very much & other thing is that time chances of breakout is very high so you

Will get benefit at 9 out of 10 time that s also sure?

How much qty should trade & how to use that qty in profit booking in swing trading level:-

In my swing level we should take minimum 2 lot of any script (no need to take every script in the list)

You choose your own script which you want to buy or sell but with minimum 2 lot so logic behind this

Is very simple whenever you found in your choice script that prices are now more than our stop loss

Price than you should book 1 lot at there for example we are going to buy nifty at 5000 with stop loss of

4950 than when ever nifty touch 5050 or more prices you should book 1 lot at there & remain 1 lot is book

Only when our trailing stop loss is hit.

Now come to intraday Both side Level :

As we all know there is Resistance & support both are there in each script & they work all the day

Now that s very normal thing that but at support & sell at resistace so now wat is do is after market open

I trying to find out where market get support or resistance in the starting few minutes & try to give as clear picture

Now I m giving both side level by counting of support & resistance so I give both side level because what I feel that

If market open near resistance than it should go down but if market sustain above resistance level than It may

Fire upside so better to keep trade with trend so now I think we all understand how it is work


BYE Take Care

Happy Trading (Happy Investing).





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