Sunday, April 25, 2010

Intraday Trading Level for April 26, 2010

  • Nifty Looking weak 5345

Short Nifty below 5330 with stop loss of 5345

Buy Nifty above 5336 with stop loss of 5330

  • Bank Nifty looking Weak Only below 9899

Buy Bank Nifty Above 9910 with stop loss of 9880

Short Bank Nifty below 9890 with stop loss of 9915

  • ABAN

Aban Looking Weak Below 1230 (intraday)

Short Aban Below 1225 with stop loss of 1230

Buy Aban Above 1230 with stop loss of 1224

  • Infosys

Infosys Short Below 2445 with stop loss of 2450

Infosys Buy Above 2450 with stop loss of 2440

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