Monday, May 24, 2010

Intraday outlook of Market for 25 May, 2010

  • Nifty Spot

Spot Nifty looking good for long only if cross 4885 for intraday today

Sell Nifty below 4750 with stop loss of 4885

Buy Nifty above 4880 stop loss 4875

  • Bank Nifty

Spot Bank Nifty looking good for long only if cross 9000 for intraday today

Buy Bank Nifty above 9000 with stop loss of 8980

Short only below 8978 with stop loss of 9001

  • ABAN

Buy Aban only above 700 stop loss of 698

Sell Aban only below 698 with stop loss of 701

  • Reliance

Reliance stay above 1015 than only thinks for buy in intraday today

Buy Reliance only 1015 with stop loss 1010

Sell below 1010 with stop loss of 1015

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