Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Intraday outlook of Market for May 6, 2010


If Nifty manage to stay above 5115 or 5120 level than think to buy

Else short at every rise with stop loss of 5120 or little above


If Bank Nifty cross 9600 than & sustain for 5 min than only think to buy

Else short at every rise with stop loss of just above 9600

Stop loss for buy side below 9580 or 9570

  • ABAN

Keep stop loss of 1095 & short at every rise

Buy above 1100 with stop loss of 1090 or

If not break 1060 than buy in deep with stop loss of 1050 (it s positional call)


Buy Reliance Above 1020 with stop loss of 1015

Short Reliance Below 1010 with stop loss of 1020

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